Our World Is Different -
Due to Technology
(Text & design by Rick Doble except as noted. Photos and images from commons.wikimedia.org except as noted.)
Painting by Paul Klee.
"For the artist communication with nature
remains the most essential condition.
The artist is human; himself [ED: herself] nature; part of nature..."
Paul Klee, Paths of the Study of Nature, 1923
Manhattan, New York, NY, USA.
The old bond
between humans and nature
has been permanently altered
by technology
Code named, Castle Romeo, this is a photo
of the first hydrogen (thermonuclear) bomb
that would be deployed by the US military.
The task of the 21st century artist
is to forge a new relationship
between humans and the world,
since our fate is inseparable
from that of the Earth
Rick Doble, 1999
Man-made electric lighting at night, across the world 20 years ago.
Composite satellite imagery, NASA.
(NASA image)